About me
My name is Josè Compagnone, I study user browsing habits and how to make websites simpler. I have written a web usability manual, rich in images and concrete cases and I have devised a very easy, engrossing and fun method.

Why did I invent a method?
Because I was tired with traditional, long, difficult and boring usability tests which often are expensive and not within everybody’s reach. Usability is a concept that origins from the bottom, takes shape with users; it cannot be for the exclusive use of super-experts, it should be within everybody’s reach.

My method is based on Usability Cards, a deck of 57 game cards, which are placed on the table, involving users in a fun experience. Each card represents a critical element of the website, to assess “out loud”, in order to improve and bring a business goal home. One or more users may use the method, no specific technical preparation is required and online business results are immediate and evident. The cards come with a basic manual on web usability rich in images and actual cases.

Why are there difficult websites?
Very often users are not able to use a website properly and this is not dependent on the user’s ability but on planning mistakes. When a website has not been planned properly it leads to loss in profit and visibility. Use my method to simply and effectively discover what can be improved.

What I mostly hear from users is that browse websites are:
– I would like to buy a product, how can I? Where will the shopping basket be?
– I am never going to give my email, the newsletter box is primitive and not reassuring
– This contact form is asking me for too much information, I give up.
– How do I turn the background music off?
– Where are this month’s offers on this website?
– “This website should be burnt”

Assessing how easy a website is to use and thus evaluate its usability is important, it helps recognize and prevent the defects which drive users to abandon the website. By being aware of these elements you will be able to truly improve them.

Why is it important to make websites easier to use?

Web usability improvement is important in order to help users to find the information they are looking for and/or help them buy quickly from your website.

A properly working website is easy to use, intuitive and fast.

By using the Usability Cards, and involving the users, you will learn from them and with them find out what to change in order to improve quality of a given website.